Let’s share roles for our clean and comfy class
- Health and hygine
- Kindergarten
- Grade school
- Tokkatsu
- Indonesia
Golden Week(s)
- Class discussion
- Kindergarten
- Grade school
- Middle and High School
- Tokkatsu
- Indonesia
Power up your breakfast!
- Health and hygine
- Health
- Grade school
- Tokkatsu
How to brush your teeth properly to protect your precious teeth.
- Health and hygine
- Grade school
- Tokkatsu
- Egypt
Enriching the minds of children through community cleanup!
- Health and hygine
- Multi-grade activities
- Grade school
- Tokkatsu
- Egypt
Establishing a life habit of health, hygiene, and nutrition
- Health and hygine
- Health
- Grade school
- Tokkatsu
COVID-19 Study Certificate
- Health and hygine
- Health
- Grade school
- Tokkatsu
Let's find a hand-washing method that suits me
- Health and hygine
- Grade school
- Tokkatsu
- Egypt
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