Other languages : Arabic
Some of the Japanese-style activities introduced in the kindergartens of the Egyptian Japanese School (EJS) include "Cleaning", "Morning Meeting", "End of the Day Meeting", "Rotating Roles", etc. Children are encouraged to interact with their colleagues of the same age. They try to express their feelings. Children work together for gaining a variety of experiences.
For all children to have experience in the activities evenly, teacher shall arrange the order of the rotating roles of the children properly. Pictures and diagrams to show how to do the roles should make the children understand it easily. Letting children to wear batches to show they are in the roles should motivate them in the activities. They are the leaders of the day and expected to lead the other children in cleaning and hygiene activities.
Children will have fun working together and get to know the goodness in their colleagues through the activities. At the same time, they become aware of the importance of hygiene activities for making their surrondings clean.
Target grade:
All ages in Kindergarten
Activity category:
Hygine activity
Approx. 20 minutes
- Learn about the relationship between hygiene and health through the activities in which children make their surroundings clean by themselves.
- Recognize the goodness in friends and enjoy working together.
Teaching materials and equipment necessary:
- Brooms, dustpans and dustpans for young children
For safety reasons, there should be brooms with short handles and small dustpans that can be easily used by young children.
Implementation procedures:
i) Teacher introduces the day's rotaion chore at the morning meeting and talk about the activities. The teacher asks the children to think about where they need to clean and shows them how to do it. They also need to be reminded about the need for washing hands after cleaning.
ii) The day's rotating chores take the leader role and sets the example for everyone to follow. Teacher should also set the example by working with them to prepare and clean up the equipment.
iii) Children wash their hands after cleaning.
iv) The teacher shall give children a time to reflect on the activity in the end of the day meeting. The teacher shall ask them questions like "where did they clean?" "how did it change? and "how did they feel?"
i) Tips for motivating young children in the activities
- Badges for the day's rotating chores
There are badges for the day's rotating chores to wear and show that they are in charge.
Children enjoy making their own batches to wear. The teacher helps with the difficult parts.
- Rotating chore table
Pictures of the children in charge of the rotating chore are displayed on the classroom wall. There is a table showing different groups are for the different equipments. The pictures are detachable and the table is rotatable.
ii) Activities introduced from Japan to the Kindergarten in Egyptian Japanese Schools (EJS)
List of activities introduced tn "Teacher's Guide: Play-based Kindergarten (KG) Life" (Japanese, English, Arabic, Indonesian)
ツイート -
【Saitama, Japan】”Pleasant cleaning” To a school where everyone can feel good by their own hands
【Japan-Saitama Prefecture】 Forest School to Foster Independence in Cooperation with Friends
Establishing Healthy Lifestyle of Young Children through Cooperation between Kindergarten and Home
Fun and orderly disciplined hand washing
Power up your breakfast!
Establishing Healthy Lifestyle in Young Children (Hand Washing)